Thursday, June 23, 2016

On Family Reunions

Meeting family members away from home is magickal to say the provides just the right mix of nostalgia, molly-coddling and fun. Whoa! I almost missed mentioning gossip!

I recently traveled to the West coast to meet up with my aunts and umcles...Trips like these are never complete without the much awaited potti-thirakardhu or the gift exchanging galatta :)

Since this is my first time on the coast my aunt made it her business to cram all touristy things in a day! A visit to the Golden Gate Bridge was the top item in the list and was ticked off to everyone's delight and satisfaction with oodles of pictures and souvenirs ;) A quick lunch en route and onward to the Crooked Road aka Lombard Road in downtown SFO...Maneuvering a suburban through the windy road was indeed a skill my cousin brother seems to have mastered! Pier 39 then greeted us with its mix of attractions from roadside drummers gently demanding money to daredevil performers and a fair bit of bored painters and streaming pedestrians thrown in. Wandering through the crowded street with the Alcatraz in the background I sampled a taste of SFO!

Monday, April 11, 2016

On the search for a lost identity

What happens to a woman who decides to leave her successful career behind and takes a huge leap of faith into unknown realms? After the initial excitement of a wedding and migration wears off all that's left of this former career woman is a brittle shell of a once strong personality. At least that is the solace I offer myself whenever distress corners me.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

On birthdays and celebrations...

Who would have thought a 32 yr old would be pleasantly surprised at midnite by a bunch of friends with beaming faces and a delicious cake? I certainly didn't! And, that is exactly how it happened!!! Few friends, couple of cousins and my own family threw in a surprise party for me...and the surprises were just beginning to unfold! After a delightful cake-cutting and a cake facial that was thrown in for free...the gang dispersed only to reconvene again for lunch. 

Finding myself holding a huge table for friends who showed up late, I sat pondering over what it was that I had done, that had made a small difference in the lives of ten others...surely I must have done something...however minute it may have been, for why else would a bunch of strapping 24 yr olds want to spend a whole day making me feel special? 

And that, is exactly what they did - made me feel so special that I was overwhelmed each time a surprise showed up! Clutching a beautiful bunch of flowers that was neatly handed over to me post lunch, I realized what a wonderful gift it was the God had given me - a bunch of friends to be treasured and cherished.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

On Music and relaxation...

Are you one of those who thought undertaking music lessons help you channelize your passion and thereby provide a certain degree of relaxation...? I was one of them. Ask me now and you might get a vigorous shake of the head indicating the contrary. 

I had no clue that signing up for an hour's class per week to learn a couple of bhajans might lead me to sabhas and kutcheris and nervous breakdowns...Yet, here i am on the threshold of another such stint - fervently hoping to pull it off without numerous mess-ups! So wish me luck and await my ramblings on the event, should I successfully survive the same!!!

Aloha & welcome to my space :)

A good friend of mine has been telling me that I ought to be blogging...after careful consideration and several false-starts later, I've decided to give it a go...Not that I have any earth-shattering observations to make or share...but hey! Thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings...